Audit Committee
The audit committee was established on 24 September 2016 with its written terms of reference. The primary duties of the audit committee are to review and supervise our financial reporting process and internal control system, nominate and monitor external auditors and to provide advice and comments to the Board on matters related to corporate governance.
The audit committee currently consists of three independent non-executive directors. The current members of the audit committee are Mr. Law Pui Cheung, Ms. Yu Wan Wah Amparo and Mr. Wat Danny Hiu Yan. Mr. Law Pui Cheung currently serves as the chairman of the audit committee.
Remuneration Committee
The remuneration committee was established on 24 September 2016 with its written terms of reference. The primary duties of the remuneration committee are to make recommendations to the Board on the remuneration of the directors and senior management of the Group, and determine, with delegated responsibilities from the Board, the remuneration packages of individual directors and senior management.
The remuneration committee currently consists of one executive director and two independent non-executive directors. The current members of the remuneration committee are Mr. Wat Danny Hiu Yan, Ms. Yu Wan Wah Amparo and Mr. Kwong Chi Man. Mr. Wat Danny Hiu Yan currently serves as the chairman of the remuneration committee.
Terms of Reference of the Remuneration Committee: English 中文
Nomination Committee
The nomination committee was established on 24 September 2016 with its written terms of reference. The primary duties of the nomination committee are to make recommendations to the Board regarding candidates to fill vacancies on the Board and/or senior management.
The nomination committee currently consists of one executive director and two independent non-executive directors. The current members of the nomination committee are Mr. Kwong Chi Man, Ms. Yu Wan Wah Amparo and Wat Danny Hiu Yan. Mr. Kwong Chi Man currently serves as the chairman of the nomination committee.
Legal Compliance
Legal Compliance Committee
The legal compliance committee was established on 24 September 2016 with its written terms of reference. The primary duties of the legal compliance committee are to assist the Board in overseeing the Group’s compliance with laws and regulations relevant to its business operations and to review the effectiveness of the Group’s regulatory compliance procedures and system.
The legal compliance committee currently consists of three independent non-executive directors. The current members of the legal compliance committee are Ms. Yu Wan Wah Amparo, Mr. Law Pui Cheung and Mr. Wat Danny Hiu Yan. Ms. Yu Wan Wah Amparo currently serves as the chairman of the legal compliance committee.
Terms of Reference of the Legal Compliance Committee: English 中文