KMK Hosts Successful Seminar on Revolutionary C-S-H Technology Waterproofing Admixture in Collaboration with HKIE and HKICM

Mr. John Fiorino, the Active Partner of Krystaline presented the C-S-H Waterproofing Technology to the professionals

KMK is delighted to announce the successful completion of the CPD seminar on The NEXT Generation of C-S-H Waterproof Technology, held in collaboration with the esteemed Hong Kong Institute of Engineers (HKIE) and Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (HKICM). The event garnered significant attention from industry professionals and provided valuable insights into the revolutionary Hydrophilic Waterproofing Technology.

We were honored to have Mr. John Fiorino, the Active Partner of our partner Krystaline from Spain, present at the seminar. His expertise and presence further emphasized the significance of this event, highlighting our commitment to global collaboration in advancing construction practices.

During the seminar, participants gained a comprehensive understanding of the unique features that differentiate the C-S-H waterproofing technology from conventional methods. The Hydrophilic Waterproofing Admixture harnesses the power of hydrophilic properties to create an exceptional waterproofing barrier. By attracting water molecules and forming gel-like structures within the concrete matrix, this innovative admixture ensures outstanding resistance against water penetration.

Participants also learnt about the long-term advantages this technology offers including but not limited to enhanced durability, the power of self-healing and increased flexibility.

Special thanks to (from the left) Mr. C.H. Fong (GM of KMK Asia), Ir Paris Wong (Committee Member of HKIE Building Division), Mr Lam Wai Choi (Chair of CIOB HK Hub Committee), Mr. John Fiorino (the Active Partner of Krystaline) and Ir Tony Za (Chairman of HKIE Building Division) for the efforts in jointly organising and participating this CPD seminar.

KMK is proud to be at the forefront of technological advancements, and we are committed to sharing our expertise to drive innovation in the construction industry. We extend our gratitude to the HKIE and HKICM for the invitation and express our appreciation to John for his valuable contribution to this seminar.
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