- “The Most Promising Listed Companies” – 2018 Listed Companies Distinguished Awards
- <strong>KMK Group Hosts Successful Workshop Showcasing Latest Products and Services for Hip Hing Construction</strong>
- A Meaningful Meeting with KMK Group Scholarship Recipients and CityU Representatives
- Acknowledgement from New World Constructions Company Limited
- Hong Kong Outstanding Enterprises 2019
- KMK (Asia) Receives Outstanding Building Materials (Green) in Build 4 Asia Awards 2022
- KMK (Asia) Receives Outstanding Building Materials (Green) in Build 4 Asia Awards 2022
- KMK Excited to Bring Innovative Car Park Solutions to The Wai, Hong Kong’s Latest Retail Landmark
- KMK Group as the Strategic Partner of Carful Group
- KMK Group Congratulates the Opening of the Hong Kong Palace Museum and Proudly Provides Flooring Services for the Extraordinary Cultural Landmark
- KMK Group Congratulates the Opening of the Hong Kong Palace Museum and Proudly Provides Flooring Services for the Extraordinary Cultural Landmark
- KMK Group Empowers Women Craftsman in the Construction Industry
- KMK Group Listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Market
- KMK Group Participated in BCI Equinox 2018
- KMK Group Participated in BCI Equinox 2019
- KMK Group Participated in Build 4 Asia 2018 Exhibition
- KMK Group Receives “Greater Bay Area’s Most Outstanding Business Awards 2023”, jointly presented by CorpHub and Forbes Global Alliance
- KMK Group Scholarship for Students From the City University of Hong Kong
- KMK Group’s CEO on Global Business Magazine, MILESTONE
- KMK Group’s Chairman Interviewed with Hong Kong Commercial Daily
- KMK Honored to Participate in Waterproofing Project for IL9088 Central Harbourfront
- KMK Hosts Successful Seminar on Revolutionary C-S-H Technology Waterproofing Admixture in Collaboration with HKIE and HKICM
- KMK Krystaline Malaysia Participated in One Day Seminar Organized by The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM)
- KMK Receives “Outstanding Product” in Build 4 Asia Awards 2020
- KMK Receives Dun and Bradstreet ESG Registered Badge, Demonstrating Commitment to Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship
- KMK Receives ESG Special Recognition Award from TVB
- KMK Successfully Transforms 11Skies Car Park
- KMK’s CEO Jason Yip received Outstanding Young Entrepreneur Award in Greater Bay Area
- Sponsorship for a Cycling Charity Event
- Sponsorship for BCI Awards 2017
- Sponsorship for FutureArc Forum 2017
- Sponsorship for KFI World Championship 2018
- 行政总裁叶港乐先生荣获粤港澳大湾区杰出青年企业家奖
- 行政總裁葉港樂先生榮獲粵港澳大灣區傑出青年企業家獎
- 邝文记很荣幸参与中环IL9088海滨防水项目
- 邝文记集团主席接受香港商报采访
- 邝文记集团参与Build 4 Asia 2018展会
- 邝文记集团参加BCI Equinox 2018
- 邝文记集团参加BCI Equinox 2019
- 邝文记集团在香港联交所上市
- 邝文记集团成为Carful Group的战略合作伙伴
- 邝文记集团的首席执行官接受全球商业杂志 MILESTONE 的访问
- 邝文记集团荣获 Build 4 Asia Awards 2020
- 邝文记集团荣获2018年度上市公司杰出奖
- 邝文记集团荣获香港杰出企业2019
- 邝文记集团获得新世界建筑有限公司的认同
- 邝文记集团赞助2017年BCI大奖
- 邝文记集团赞助FutureArc 2017论坛
- 邝文记集团赞助单车慈善筹款活动
- 邝文记集团赞助奖学金奖励香港城市大学学生
- 鄺文記很榮幸參與中環IL9088海濱防水項目
- 鄺文記成功完成 11Skies 停車場
- 鄺文記榮獲 TVB ESG 特別嘉許獎
- 鄺文記與城市大學獎學金得獎者和學校代表會面
- 鄺文記讓女工匠於建築業發光發亮
- 鄺文記集團主席接受香港商報採訪
- 鄺文記集團參加BCI Equinox 2018
- 鄺文記集團參加BCI Equinox 2019
- 鄺文記集團參與Build 4 Asia 2018展會
- 鄺文記集團在香港聯交所上市
- 鄺文記集團成為Carful Group的戰略合作夥伴
- 鄺文記集團榮獲 Build 4 Asia Awards 2020
- 鄺文記集團榮獲2018年度上市公司傑出獎
- 鄺文記集團榮獲香港傑出企業2019
- 鄺文記集團獲得新世界建築有限公司的認同
- 鄺文記集團的首席執行官接受全球商業雜誌 MILESTONE 的訪問
- 鄺文記集團祝賀香港故宮文化博物館開幕 為這文化地標提供地坪服務
- 鄺文記集團贊助2017年BCI大獎
- 鄺文記集團贊助2018年KFI世界錦標賽
- 鄺文記集團贊助2018年KFI世界錦標賽
- 鄺文記集團贊助FutureArc 2017論壇
- 鄺文記集團贊助單車慈善籌款活動
- 鄺文記集團贊助獎學金獎勵香港城市大學學生
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